fire trucks

美 [ˈfaɪər trʌks]英 [ˈfaɪə(r) trʌks]
  • n.消防车
  • fire truck的复数
fire trucksfire trucks

fire trucks


  • 1
    N-COUNT 消防车;救火车
    A fire truck is a large vehicle which carries fire fighters and equipment for putting out fires.

  1. Campers can see fire trucks up close and talk with firefighters .


  2. Fire trucks arrive , along with campers from previous years , doctors and nurses , and family members .


  3. Ordinary vehicles should swerve away and let fire trucks pass first .


  4. Article 35 Fire trucks and fire boats , when rushing for fire fighting and rescue work or relief and rescue task for other disaster and accidents , shall not be restricted by its driving speed , driving route , driving direction and traffic signals ; other vehicles , ships and pedestrians must make way and shall not conduct overtaking .


  5. None of the City fire trucks were used as fire trucks .


  6. And get those fire trucks out of here !


  7. We 're gonna need paramedics and fire trucks .


  8. and fire trucks and police cars constantly


  9. Traffic commander shall guarantee the fast and smooth passing of fire trucks and fire boats .


  10. Now that somebody wanted to commit suicide , why drove so many fire trucks there ?


  11. Fire trucks were due to be replaced by portable pumps and the water supply from seawater to fresh water .


  12. Clifford and I run ahead . He clears the street for the fire trucks .


  13. That 's when passengers saw ambulances and fire trucks on the runway .


  14. A large section of the wood shingle roof was burning as the fire trucks pulled up .


  15. One of my closest friends , Okoloma , died in a plane crash because our fire trucks did not have water .


  16. Currently , the emergence of the large number of high-rise buildings has brought about great challenges to the fire trucks and equipment performance .


  17. An hour later , the fire trucks , ambulance , paramedics and , finally , the Flight for Life helicopter arrived .


  18. For my toddler , it 's nothing less than a parade of flowers , fire trucks , pebbles , and friendly folk .


  19. So , engineers are using fire trucks and police water cannons , like you see in this animation here , to try to attack the problem from the ground .


  20. After the festival ends , fire trucks spray down the pulp-covered streets-the acidity of the tomatoes is said to thoroughly disinfect the cobblestones .


  21. The deployment of key for existing fire trucks , fire environmental characteristics and functional fire-fighting robot is discussed . It is not enough the capacity of obstacle avoidance for existing fire trucks .


  22. Traditional fire trucks affect the fire started rescue work for its simple structure and the lack of sufficient flexibility in the face of complex and non-structural environment . The obstacle is not maybe avoid .


  23. And what was happening on the police scanner was really interesting because you had ambulances and fire trucks and police cars constantly reporting where they are and what they 're doing .


  24. Japan on Thursday deployed helicopters , water cannon and military fire trucks on Thursday in a bid to cool radioactive fuel at an earthquake-hit nuclear power plant , as high radiation levels prevented engineers from approaching critically damaged areas .


  25. The boom is the main feature of the high altitude fire trucks , and is the exemplification of the entire high altitude fire truck function , the design technology level of the boom has the direct impact on the development and innovation of high altitude fire trucks .


  26. DEANIE PARRISH , FORMER PILOT : It was not that I was going to do any more than anybody else , because there were other females who were driving ambulances or fire trucks , working on airplanes , and I was doing the one thing that I felt I could do best .


  27. Analysis and Countermeasures of fire accident of mine trucks


  28. Six fire engines , two trucks and two chiefs responded to the scene .


  29. Wulidian Fire Alarm squadron two fire trucks were dispatched immediately after the17 officers and men rushed to the scene .


  30. Airport fire engines are specially designed fire trucks that stationed at the airport runway in order to fight airport fire .
